
  • How I Survived a Nextcloud Update Disaster

    Ever had one of those moments when you think, “Hey, today’s the day I’ll update my Nextcloud instance!”? Yeah, that was me, this past Sunday.…

  • Reset Your Windows Password Using the Sticky Keys Trick

    Have you ever found yourself completely locked out of a machine without remote access, and you need to reset your Windows password? More times than…

  • Identify .NET and Visual C++ Dependencies Using PowerShell

    Have you ever found yourself patching software vulnerabilities and come across a vulnerability for older .NET or Visual C++ packages but didn’t know if removing…

  • Stopping a Runaway VM in Proxmox

    I recently found myself in quite a predicament with a runaway VM in Proxmox. I was trying to create a new VM in Proxmox but…

  • ZFS Backups in Proxmox

    Recently I added a ZFS storage pool in my Proxmox Node and wanted to start backing up my VMs there. However, when I went to…

  • How to install Proxmox Virtualization Environment

    Overview Proxmox Virtual Environment (VE) is a comprehensive open-source platform for enterprise virtualization. With the power of Debian Linux at its core, Proxmox VE is…

  • Migrating from VirtualBox to Proxmox

    In the world of virtualization, the choice of virtualization platform can significantly impact the efficiency and scalability of your projects. Due to prior experience with…